Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sailing the NILE...

The Sailing the Nile Campaign for the Millennium Development Goals, is a UN initiative. The Millennium Goals are among the top priority of the United Nations and were galvanized in 2000 where 189 Heads of Government (including Egypt) signed a declaration to end poverty by 2015. Since 2006, 18 UN Agencies, the Egyptian Government, civil society and the private sector joined efforts in this innovative campaign to raise awareness and trigger local action around the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The campaign will be launched on October 18th, and will continue until December 20th, 2008.

The Sailing the Nile campaign has two main objectives: to raise awareness of the Millenium Development Goals and to integrate the concept of volunteerism into MDG-related projects that are currently being implemented by development partners.

The 2008 MDGs Campaign combines three different means of transport: feluccas, buses and train. The activities of the campaign will follow an itinerary across the country that will serve as the backbone of the project. All activities will be implemented along the stops of the itinerary that the feluccas, buses and train will follow between 18 October and the 20 December, 2008.

Email: sailthenile.alex@gmail.com
Office: www.sailingthenile.org/
Location: Alexandria, Egypt
Facebook: www.new.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=37383440849&ref=mf

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